On a blustery day after Thanksgiving, I wanted to make art in my sketchbook using only found materials at Duxbury (MA) beach. I like the challenge of eschewing conventional art tools such as paints, inks, pencils, pens, glue and so on. And I love the physicality of creating outdoors. The crashing waves of the incoming tide, the raindrops falling on my head, the irregular grittiness of natural objects, the taste of salt on the wind and the varied magnificent vistas all brought me into the present moment of encountering life itself.
Collecting Beach Plums in Varying Stages of Decay |
Learning That Moisture is Key When Block Printing Beach Plums |
Moistening Sketchbook Pages Before Printing Again |
Finding Soft and Ripe Beach Plums |
A 180 Pound Printing Press |
Cover Art |
Reveling in the Sensory Moment |
Buying a Frame at The Salvation Army |
Framing Memories |
That was me, above. I didn’t realize it would go out as anonymous. I love this sequence, John. I’m so glad you are still creating and teaching, and really happy for your lucky students!
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