Look | Sensory Inspiration
If I am at the beach I am in the water. Even if the temperature is, well, overly refreshing.
Beach Fences |
The cold water shock followed by hot sun warming set my vision alive.
The View From Here |
What's right with this picture? I am at the beach... working! Nothing like shooting first person stock photography. The image title comes from the name of my photo-consultant friend Selina Maitreya's
audio business guide for photographers.
Chillin |
Lifeguards Kevin Aufiero and Brendan Adams survey Duxbury (Mass.) Beach. As I endeavored to fill my frame with storytelling details, I thought of two photographer friends, both facing the death of family members. As I strained to compose so that Mr. Aufiero's nose crested the horizon line, salty tears rolled down my salty cheeks. And as I shot a burst of frames to catch sunbathers walking up the ramp, I dedicated this image to my grieving photo buddies.
Tech Tips: Nikon D700, 24-70mm, ISO 200. Beach Fences is an in-camera multiple exposure treated with Topaz Adjust, a plug-in for Photoshop CS4. ©2010 John Nordell
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