Since I neglected to sign one form of many mailed to MassOne Insurance, I stopped by my agency's Greenfield, MA office to sign yet again. There, I noticed a collection box for items to be sent to US troops serving overseas.
Care Package
I returned another day with goods I purchased and felt a deep connection to the soldier serving in the desert that will eventually use the Chapstick, baby powder, shampoo and sunscreen I dropped in the bin.
Nikon D700, 24-70mm, ISO 1250, f4, 1/60, business card used to bounce built-in flash with image on right
I was at the historical society in Winsted, CT recently, working on a story about how the creative economy can resurrect former industrial towns. The casing of the clock below was fabricated in Winsted out of paper maiche, since during WW II metal was diverted to the war effort.
War Alarm
Nikon D200, 17-55mm, ISO 400, f2.8, 1/60
Today, it seems that while military families and their friends contend with death and physical/emotional scarring, there is little collective sacrifice as a nation. No rationing of materials, no planting of Victory Gardens. The National Priorities Project site continuously updates the cost of US wars since 2001. Take a look at the cost for your community.
Today, it seems that while military families and their friends contend with death and physical/emotional scarring, there is little collective sacrifice as a nation. No rationing of materials, no planting of Victory Gardens. The National Priorities Project site continuously updates the cost of US wars since 2001. Take a look at the cost for your community.
© 2010 John Nordell
Thank you for supporting the troops as well as pointing out the huge cost of the wars and our uninvolvement with it.
Anita - You are welcome. Thank you for your interest. - John
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